Jean & Mike Do The New York Times Crossword
A short, fun and occasionally not unintentionally educational podcast in which two fans of the New York Times crossword describe their puzzle-solving travails.
Jean & Mike Do The New York Times Crossword
Monday, November 11, 2024 - Happy Veteran's Day!
Today's puzzle was relatively straightforward - being a Monday, we would be surprised if it were otherwise - with a wry theme, and a supporting cast of fun clues. Our favorites were 48A, Raps off the cuff, FREESTYLES; 5D, Visual accompaniment to a musical release, ALBUMART (are physical albums still a thing??); and the particularly fine 41A, The second O of O-O-O, TAC (nice!).
Besides the crossword, we have a spot of listener mail expounding on the meaning of ANTEPENULTIMATE, so to enjoy all that goodness, tap subscribe (if you haven't already), followed by download, then play, ideally in that order, so that you can enjoy what may be one of the finest podcasts about the NYTimes Crossword to come out of northeast Wisconsin.
Show note imagery: IKEA, it's aMAZEing
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